Kaspersky Security Center API description
UMDM commands list

List of well-known commands. If a command is not in this list then the command will be considered as custom. Custom commands are available only for the Mobile Protocol (KES4Mobile).

Command typeBitmaskSupported by protocolDescription
Block0x1KES4Mobile, iOSBlock the device with the lock screen.
Unblock0x2KES4Mobile, iOSSwitch off the lock screen.
Wipe0x4KES4Mobile, iOS, EASErase all data from the device.
SoftWipe0x8KES4Mobile, iOSErase corporate data from the device.
Locate0x10KES4MobileRequest device location.
Mugshot0x20KES4MobileRequest a photo from the device and send it to the server.
Alarm0x40KES4MobileRequest an alarm signal from the device.
InstallConfProf0x80iOSInstall a configuration profile on the device.
DeleteConfProf0x100iOSDelete a configuration profile from the device.
InstallProvProf0x200iOSInstall a provisioning profile on the device.
DeleteProvProf0x400iOSDelete a provisioning profile from the device.
InstallApplication0x800iOSInstall an application on the device.
DeleteApplication0x1000iOSDelete an application from the device.
EnterRedemptionCode0x2000iOSSend a redemption code to the device.
EditRoamingSettings0x4000iOSChange roaming settings for the device.
RefreshDeviceInfo0x8000KES4Mobile, iOSRefresh device information.
InstallSafeBrowser0x1 0000iOSInstall SafeBrowser application on the device. Note, SafeBrowser is not supported now.
KillMe0x2 0000KES4Mobile, iOSMake the device unmanaged.
EditBluetoothSettings0x8 0000iOSEnable or disable Bluetooth on the device (supervised only, iOS 11.3+).
ClearPasscode0x10 0000iOSReset the unlock password on the device and prompt to set a new password in accordance with policy settings.
ScheduleOSUpdate0x20 0000iOSSchedule an iOS operating system update on the device (supervised only).
EnableLostMode0x40 0000iOSEnable Lost Mode on the device and lock the device (supervised only).
DisableLostMode0x80 0000iOSDisable Lost Mode on the device and unlock the device (supervised only).
UpdateDeviceData0x100 0000KES4Mobile, iOSInternal (silent) command to update device status.
WipeAppData0x200 0000KES4MobileWipe the data of a specified app from the device (Android 9 or later in device owner mode or with a created Android work profile).
WipeAllAppData0x400 0000KES4MobileWipe the data of all apps from the device (Android 9 or later in device owner mode or with a created Android work profile).
GetActivationLockBypassCode0x800 0000iOSGet Activation Lock bypass code.
SendMessage0x1000 0000KES4MobileSend a message to the device.
DeleteApp0x2000 0000KES4Mobile, iOSDelete agent application, work profile and make the device unmanaged.