Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of extra report parameters

List of extra report parameters is presented below.

"KLRPT_QUERY_ID"paramIntHosts query identity. For reports based on a hosts query, group identity for the report should be -1.
"KLRPT_DONT_USE_SPACES_FOR_SLASHES"paramBoolDo not include extra soft-break symbols after slashes (used to force words breaking in printable form). The default value is false.
"KLRPT_TEMPORAL"paramBoolA sign for temporal report templates (which should be deleted right after the report generation). The default value is false.
"KLRPT_EXPAND_PERIOD"paramBoolShould extend the report period to 23:59:59 with the time zone of the user generating the report. The default value is true.
"KLRPT_GLOBAL_SCOPE"paramBoolSpecifies if the report is for the entire system (including unmanaged hosts), not just for a managed group or hosts list. The default value is false.
The parameter is obsolete for Kaspersky Security Center 12 and later. Use KLRPT_FLD_FILTER_EX instead.
Report filter settings based on the report details columns values that contain a set of (paramParams) objects. Each (paramParams) object name is a display name of a field) containing the attributes described in the List of report filter attributes. For details on possible filter values for certain report fields, see List of report field types.
The parameter is used in Kaspersky Security Center 12.
Report filter settings based on the report details columns values that contain the set of (paramParams) objects of structure:
        KLRPT_FLD_FILTER_EX                     - PARAMS
            +--[Filter display name 1]          - PARAMS
            |   +--KLRPT_FLD_FILTER             - PARAMS. See List of report filter attributes.
            |       +--KLRPT_FLT_CONDITION
            |       +--KLRPT_FLT_VALUE
            |       +--KLRPT_FLT_VALUE2
            +--[Filter display name N]
For details on possible filter values for certain report fields, see List of report field types.
"KLRPT_SLAVE_REC_DEPTH"paramIntHierarchy level of the secondary Administration Servers to get the report data from. Use -1 - for all secondary servers with no level limit. Use 0 (default) - for current server only (do not receive report data from secondary servers).
"KLRPT_INCLUDE_SLV_DTL_RECORDS"paramBoolThe attribute accepts true if it is required to get the detailed report data from the secondary reports.
"KLRPT_CACHE_PERIOD_MINUTES"paramIntPeriod (in minutes) to cache the report data received previously from the secondary servers. Possible values:
  • 0 - No cache used.
  • >0 - Data is stored in the cache, and is updated automatically with this period in minutes.
  • -1 - Data is stored in the cache, but is updated only when generating the report and used only when a secondary server is unavailable.
"KLRPT_SLAVE_EXEC_TIMEOUT"paramIntPeriod (in seconds) to wait for the report execution results from the secondary servers. The default value is 300.
"KLRPT_DEPLOYMENT_ALL_HOSTS"paramBoolSpecial parameter for the "Deployment" report (report type 18). Should be true if the report is for the entire system including unmanaged hosts. The default value is false.

List of protection status report (report type ID is 0). Extra parameters are presented below.

"KLRPT_PROTECTION_INCLUDE_WARNING"paramBoolInclude hosts with status "Warning". The default value is false.
"KLRPT_PROTECTION_INCLUDE_OK"paramBoolInclude hosts with status "OK". The default value is true.
"KLRPT_PROTECTION_INCLUDE_VM"paramBoolInclude virtual machines. The default value is true.

List of event report (report type ID is 17). Extra parameters are presented below.

"KLRPT_SEVER_MASK"paramIntEvent severity mask. See Event severity masks for event report.

List of report on Device Control events (report type ID is 24). Extra parameters are presented below.

"KLRPT_EVENTS_MASK"paramIntDevice Control event mask. See Event mask used in the report on Device Control events.

List of hardware report (report type ID is 34). Extra parameters are presented below.

"KLRPT_EVENTS_MASK"paramIntHardware inventory object type mask, may include bits from Object type mask used in hardware report.

List of report on rights (report type ID is 39) extra parameters is presented below.

"KLRPT_USERS_RIGHTS_INCLUDE_ROLES"paramBoolInclude role permissions. The default value is false.
"KLRPT_USERS_RIGHTS_INCLUDE_VS"paramBoolInclude virtual servers. The default value is false.

List of report on effective user permissions (report type ID is 40). Extra parameters are presented below.

"KLRPT_TRUSTEE_ID"paramIntUser trustee ID.
See also: