Kaspersky Security Center API description
The Python code is presented below:
# #!/usr/bin/python -tt # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """This module presents samples of usage KlAkOAPI package to generate reports""" import sys import socket import time import datetime import os import argparse import base64 import uuid from sys import platform from KlAkOAPI.Params import KlAkParams, KlAkArray, paramArray, paramParams, paramDateTime, dateToStr, dateTimeToStr from KlAkOAPI.AdmServer import KlAkAdmServer from KlAkOAPI.Base import MillisecondsToSeconds from KlAkOAPI.Error import KlAkError, KlAkResponseError from KlAkOAPI.ReportManager import KlAkReportManager from KlAkOAPI.AsyncActionStateChecker import KlAkAsyncActionStateChecker from KlAkOAPI.HostGroup import KlAkHostGroup from KlAkOAPI.SrvView import KlAkSrvView strResultFolder = 'results' def GetServer(): """Connects to KSC server""" # server details - connect to server installed on current machine, use default port server_address = socket.getfqdn() server_port = 13299 server_url = 'https://' + server_address + ':' + str(server_port) if platform == "win32": username = None # for Windows use NTLM by default password = None else: username = 'klakoapi_test' # for other platform use basic auth, user should be created on KSC server in advance password = 'test1234!' SSLVerifyCert = 'C:\\ProgramData\\KasperskyLab\\adminkit\\1093\\cert\\klserver.cer' # create server object server = KlAkAdmServer.Create(server_url, username, password, verify = SSLVerifyCert) return server def AddUserEffRightsReport(oReportManager, userId): """ Add User Effective Rights Report """ oInfo = oReportManager.GetDefaultReportInfo(40).RetVal() # RT_USERS_EFF_RIGHTS oInfo["RPT_DN"] = "Sample RT_USERS_EFF_RIGHTS" extra = KlAkParams({}) extra.AddLong('KLRPT_TRUSTEE_ID', userId) oInfo.AddParams('RPT_EXTRA_DATA', extra) return oReportManager.AddReport(oInfo).RetVal() def GenerateReport(server, oReportManager, nReportId): """ Generates a report """ print('Creating a report') # compose options options_format = KlAkParams({}) options_format.AddInt('KLRPT_MAX_RECORDS_DETAILS', 3000) options_format.AddInt('KLRPT_TARGET_TYPE', 0) options_format.AddInt('KLRPT_XML_TARGET_TYPE', 0) # report format here: 0 for html, 1 for xls, 2 for pdf options_format.AddBool('KLRPT_PDF_LANDSCAPE', True) options_format.AddInt('KLRPT_PDF_PAGE_SIZE', 9) options_products = KlAkParams({}) options_products.AddString('KLRPT_PROD_NAME', "1093") options_products.AddString('KLRPT_PROD_NAME_LOC', "Administration server") options_products.AddString('KLRPT_PROD_VER', "") options_products.AddString('KLRPT_PROD_VER_LOC', "") options_timezone = KlAkParams({}) options_timezone.AddInt('RPT_TZ_BIAS', -180) options_timezone.AddInt('RPT_TZ_DAYLIGHT_BIAS', -60) options_timezone.AddParams('RPT_TZ_DAYLIGHT_DATE', {'RPT_STM_DAY':0, 'RPT_STM_DAYOFWEEK':0, 'RPT_STM_HOUR':0, 'RPT_STM_MILLISECOND':0, 'RPT_STM_MINUTE':0, 'RPT_STM_MONTH':0, 'RPT_STM_SECOND':0, 'RPT_STM_YEAR':0}) options_timezone.AddString('RPT_TZ_DAYLIGHT_NAME', "Russia TZ 2 Daylight Time") options_timezone.AddInt('RPT_TZ_STD_BIAS', 0) options_timezone.AddString('RPT_TZ_STD_NAME', "Russia TZ 2 Standard Time") options_timezone.AddParams('RPT_TZ_STD_DATE', {'RPT_STM_DAY':0, 'RPT_STM_DAYOFWEEK':0, 'RPT_STM_HOUR':0, 'RPT_STM_MILLISECOND':0, 'RPT_STM_MINUTE':0, 'RPT_STM_MONTH':0, 'RPT_STM_SECOND':0, 'RPT_STM_YEAR':0}) options = KlAkParams({}) options.AddParams('KLRPT_OUTPUT_FORMAT', options_format ) options.AddArray('KLRPT_LOC_PRODUCTS', [ paramParams(options_products) ]) options.AddInt('RPT_LOC_LOCALE', 2057) options.AddParams('RPT_TIMEZONE_INFO', options_timezone) # generate report with proper id and proper options strRequestId = oReportManager.ExecuteReportAsync(nReportId, options).OutPar('strRequestId') # check for result of asynchronous action asyncActionStateChecker = KlAkAsyncActionStateChecker (server) while True: res = asyncActionStateChecker.CheckActionState(strRequestId) bFinalized, bSuccededFinalized, lStateCode, pStateData, lNextCheckDelay = res.OutPar('bFinalized'), res.OutPar('bSuccededFinalized'), res.OutPar('lStateCode'), res.OutPar('pStateData'), res.OutPar('lNextCheckDelay') if bFinalized: if bSuccededFinalized: # got asynchronous result: success if not 'KLRPT_OUTPUT_FILE' in pStateData: raise KlAkResponseError('Report was marked as generated successfully, but expected field KLRPT_OUTPUT_FILE is absent in response, nothing to download') # create folder for result if not os.path.exists(strResultFolder): os.makedirs(strResultFolder) # download result file print ('Report generated successfully, ready to download') file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_FILE']) download_filename = os.path.join(strResultFolder, 'report' + file_ext) server.DownloadFile(pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_FILE'], download_filename) # download charts if needed (report in html format needs all the images as separate files) if 'KLRPT_OUTPUT_CHART' in pStateData: chartpath = os.path.join(strResultFolder, os.path.basename(pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_CHART'])) print('downloading', pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_CHART'], 'to file', chartpath) server.DownloadFile(pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_CHART'], chartpath) print('Chart download successfully') # download logo if needed (report in html format needs all the images as separate files) if False: #'KLRPT_OUTPUT_LOGO' in pStateData: logopath = os.path.join(strResultFolder, os.path.basename(pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_LOGO'])) print('downloading', pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_LOGO'], 'to file', logopath) server.DownloadFile(pStateData['KLRPT_OUTPUT_LOGO'], logopath) print('Logo download successfully') print ('Report downloaded to:', download_filename) else: # got asynchronous result: some error occurred err_description = KlAkParams(res.OutPar('pStateData')) print('Cannot create report:', err_description['GNRL_EA_DESCRIPTION'], '(error code ' + str(err_description['KLBLAG_ERROR_INFO']['KLBLAG_ERROR_CODE']) + ')') return download_filename else: # asynchronous result is not ready yet - need to wait for lNextCheckDelay milliseconds time.sleep(MillisecondsToSeconds(lNextCheckDelay)) def FindUser(server, strUsername): oSrvView = KlAkSrvView(server) wstrIteratorId = oSrvView.ResetIterator('GlobalUsersListSrvViewName', '(&(ul_wstrDisplayName=\"' + strUsername + '\")(ul_nVServer = 0))', ['ul_binId', 'ul_llTrusteeId', 'ul_wstrDisplayName'], [], {}, lifetimeSec = 60*5).OutPar('wstrIteratorId') llTrusteeId = -1 if oSrvView.GetRecordCount(wstrIteratorId).RetVal() > 0: pRecords = oSrvView.GetRecordRange(wstrIteratorId, 0, 1).OutPar('pRecords') pRecordsArray = pRecords['KLCSP_ITERATOR_ARRAY'] if pRecordsArray != None and len(pRecordsArray) > 0: llTrusteeId = pRecordsArray[0]['ul_llTrusteeId'] oSrvView.ReleaseIterator(wstrIteratorId) if llTrusteeId == -1: print('User', strUsername, 'not found') return return llTrusteeId def AddArgs(parser): group_address = parser.add_argument_group() group_address.add_argument('-user', action='store', help='(optional) User name to generate report for. If no -user option is used, suppose "UnitTestUser"') def main(): """ This sample shows how you can create report of effective user rights for specified user """ print (main.__doc__) #argument parsing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This module provides sample of how you can create report of effective user rights for specified user') AddArgs(parser) args = parser.parse_args() # connect to KSC server using basic auth by default server = GetServer() # use server object to construct objects wrapping KLOAPI calls oReportManager = KlAkReportManager(server) userName = args.user print('User name: ', userName) if userName == '': userName = 'UnitTestUser' # Get user id by name userId = FindUser(server, userName) print('User id:', userId) if userId != -1: # report to be generated nReportID = AddUserEffRightsReport(oReportManager, userId) # create report download_filename = GenerateReport(server, oReportManager, nReportID) print('Now you can analyse report file: ', download_filename) if __name__ == '__main__': main()