Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of statistics dashboards types and attributes

Depending on the dashboard type, some input parameters should be present in the dashboard request parameters. The following parameters are common for all supported dashboard types:

  • "KLRPT_DSH_TYPE" - Integer - Dashboard type. Required.
  • "id" - Integer - Dashboard scope administration group ID.
  • "KLRPT_QUERY_ID" - Integer - Hosts query identity if dashboard is created for a hosts query. Must be <= 0 or absent if the dashboard is created for a group.
  • "bIncludeVS" - Boolean - True if data from Virtual Servers is included. Optional. The default value is true.
  • "KLPPT_StatFinishTime" - Time - Finish time, for histogram and diagram dashboards. Statistics building time is used if the parameter is less than 0 or absent.
  • "KLPPT_StatPeriodInSec" - Integer - Period of time to monitor in seconds, for histogram and diagram dashboards (used to calculate KLPPT_StatStartTime = KLPPT_StatFinishTime - KLPPT_StatPeriodInSec if KLPPT_StatStartTime is less than 0 or absent). Must be less than 0 or absent if "KLPPT_StatStartTime" is used.
  • "KLPPT_StatStartTime" - Time - Start time, for histogram and diagram dashboards. Must be invalid or absent if "KLPPT_StatPeriodInSec" is used.
    Other input attributes are specific for certain dashboard types and are described below on this page.

Each result dashboard entry container contains all the input attributes specified in the request and some specific output attributes. Depending on the KLRPT_DSH_TYPE value, the output attributes may be placed directly in the root of the container, or inside the parameter DSHT_DATA that is a (paramArray) of (paramParams).

Here is the full list of supported dashboard types (specified by the KLRPT_DSH_TYPE value), their specific input and output parameters.

KLRPT_DSH_TYPETypeMeaningComputer scope supportTime period supportInput parametersOutput data placementOutput parameters
1 Histogram Distribution of the event in time. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of events published during the interval.
2 Histogram Distribution of virus activity in time. Yes Yes
  • "bUseEvents" (paramBool) - Use "GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND" events instead of using virus activity report. Default and recommended value is false.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - beginning of the time interval,
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of threat detections during the interval.
3 Histogram Distribution of virus activity on corresponding products in time. Yes Yes
  • "bUseEvents" (paramBool) - Use "GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND" events instead of using virus activity report. Default and recommended value is false.
DSHT_DATA entries
4 Histogram Distribution of network attacks in time. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of network attack detections during the interval.
5 Histogram Distribution of new hosts found in time. No Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of new hosts found during the interval.
6 Histogram Distribution of states of the specified group task in time. No Yes
  • "KLTSK_GRP_TSK_ID" (paramString) - ID of the group task.
DSHT_DATA entries
7 Histogram Distribution of number of records in the anti-virus bases on AK server in time. No Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount64" (paramLong) - Number of records in the AV bases on Administration Server by the end of the interval.
8 Histogram Distribution of anti-virus protection states in time. No Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Critical protection status.
  • "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Warning protection status.
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the OK protection status.
9 Histogram Distribution of number of unknown or malicious applications in time. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of suspicious objects detected during the time interval.
10 Histogram Distribution of number of objects added into quarantine in time. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of objects added into quarantine during the time interval.
11 Diagram Viruses and curing result. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
12 Diagram Viruses and products. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
13 Diagram Curing result and products. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
14 Diagram Most infected computers. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
15 Diagram Most infecting users. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
16 Diagram Most infected groups. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "nId" (paramInt) - Administration group ID.
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Administration group name.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of detects.
17 Diagram Most infected domains. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
18 Diagram Most widespread viruses. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
19 Diagram Most widespread uncured viruses. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
20 Diagram Current state of the most anti-virus protection (number of hosts with the status Critical, Warning, and OK). Yes No Root
  • "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Critical protection status.
  • "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Warning protection status.
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the OK protection status.
21 Diagram Distribution of installed protection (anti-virus) products versions by versions. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
22 Diagram Distribution of anti-virus bases versions on hosts (5 counters: actual, 1 day old, 3-days old, 7-days old, and more than 7 days old). Yes No Root
  • "nCountActual" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with actual bases (same as on Administration Server or newer).
  • "nCountDay" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released last 24 hours.
  • "nCount3Days" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released last 3 days.
  • "nCount7Days" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released last 7 days.
  • "nCountOld" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released more than 7 days ago.
23 Diagram Distribution of errors. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
24 Diagram Distribution of RTP current state. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
25 Diagram Distribution of network attack types. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
26 Diagram License usage. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
27 Diagram Current state of AK server update task. No No Root
28 Diagram Current state of AK server backup task. No No Root
29 Diagram State of secondary servers (number of secondary servers connected, disconnected 10 minutes ago or fewer, hour ago, more than hour ago, or never connected). No No Root
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of online secondary servers (with active connection).
  • "nCountMinutesAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected a minute ago.
  • "nCountHourAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected an hour ago.
  • "nCount24hAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected 24 hours ago.
  • "nCountLongAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected more than 24 hours ago.
  • "nNeverConnected" (paramInt) - Number of never connected secondary servers.
30 Diagram State of the primary server connection. No No Root
  • "nType" (paramInt) - 0 never connected, 1 - online (connected), 2 - disconnected.
  • "tmLastConnectionTime" (paramDateTime) - Last successful connection time.
31 Diagram State of the anti-viral protection deployment (number of hosts with Network Agent and anti-virus, Network Agent only, or nothing). Yes No Root
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts waving both Network Agent and RTP-product installed.
  • "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts waving just Network Agent installed.
  • "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts without Network Agent installed.
32 Histogram Network traffic history. No Yes
  • "KLDSH_DIR_MASK" (paramInt) - Traffic type bitmask. Bit 0 means incoming traffic, bit 1 means outgoing traffic.
DSHT_DATA entries
33 Histogram Network traffic history with maximum, average and latest values. No Yes
  • "KLDSH_DIR_MASK" (paramInt) - Traffic type bitmask. Bit 0 means incoming traffic. Bit 1 means outgoing traffic.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval. nMax, nMean, nCount
34 Histogram Connections history. No Yes DSHT_DATA entries
35 Histogram Connections history with maximum, average and latest values. No Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nMax" (paramInt) - Maximal number of existing connections during the interval.
  • "nMean" (paramInt) - Mean number of existing connections during the interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of existing connections by the end of the interval.
36 Histogram Active connections history. No Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
  • "nMax" (paramInt) - Maximal number of new connections during the interval.
  • "nMean" (paramInt) - Mean number of new connections during the interval.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of new connections by the end of the interval.
37 Diagram Statistics of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours. No No Root
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
  • "nCountHourAgo" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
  • "nCount24hAgo" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
  • "nCountLongAgo" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
38 Diagram Most infected virtual servers. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "KLVSRV_ID" (paramInt) - Virtual server ID. 0 means "Main server".
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Virtual server name.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of virtual servers.
39 Diagram Distribution of hosts with the specified status on virtual servers. No No
  • "nType" (paramInt) - Traffic type bitmask. Bit 0 means status critical, bit 1 means status warning, bit 2 means the OK status.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "KLVSRV_ID" (paramInt) - Virtual server ID. 0 means "Main server".
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Virtual server name.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the given hosts statuses.
40 Diagram Distribution of hosts with different vulnerability status (critical, high, warning, none). Yes No
  • "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesWithNoFixes" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by a patch installation. Default is true.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of critically-vulnerable hosts.
  • "nHiCount" (paramInt) - Number of high-vulnerable hosts.
  • "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of warning vulnerable hosts.
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of non-vulnerable hosts.
41 Diagram Distribution of last WUA search times. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
  • "nLimit" (paramInt) - maximal number of days within which WUA search performed, 0 means "any";
  • "nLimit2" (paramInt) - minimal number of days within which WUA search performed, 0 means "any";
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - number of hosts having ran WUA from nLimit days ago to "nLimit2" days ago, nLimit < "nLimit2";
42 Diagram Distribution of the most frequently denied files. Contains the top frequently denied files. If the number of files exceeds a limit, the data of other files is aggregated into an additional single entry. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Denied file name. Absent in the extra aggregating entry.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of denied launches.
  • "nFileId" (paramLong) - File identity in the KSC database. 0 for additional aggregated entry.
43 Diagram Hosts encryption statistics Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
44 Diagram Removable storages encryption statistics. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
45 Diagram Updates count by installation state for the given period of time. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
46 Diagram Updates count by installation state and classification for the given period of time. Yes Yes
  • "arrUpdInstallationStates" (paramArray) of (paramInt) - Array of interesting installation statuses (KLVAPM::UpdateInstallationState).
DSHT_DATA entries
47 Diagram Installed (or failed) updates count by installation result and classification for the given period of time. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
48 Histogram Events distribution (by condition) Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
49 Histogram Amounts of hosts that have a different maximum vulnerability severity (critical, high, warning, none) during some time intervals. Yes Yes
  • "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesWithNoFixes" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by a patch installation. Default is true.
  • "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesFixedByTheEndOfInterval" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that were fixed by the end of the time interval. Default is true.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval start.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval end.
  • "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of critically vulnerable hosts.
  • "nHiCount" (paramInt) - Number of highly vulnerable hosts.
  • "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of warning vulnerable hosts.
50 Histogram Amounts of vulnerability instances with different maximum vulnerability severity (critical, high, warning, none) during some time intervals. Yes Yes
  • "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesWithNoFixes" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by a patch installation. Default is true.
  • "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesFixedByTheEndOfInterval" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that were fixed by the end of the time interval. Default is true.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval start.
  • "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval end.
  • "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of critical vulnerabilities.
  • "nHiCount" (paramInt) - Number of high-level vulnerabilities.
  • "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of warning-level vulnerabilities.
51 Histogram Antispam product component statuses distribution on hosts. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
52 Histogram DLP product component statuses distribution on hosts. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
53 Histogram Collaboration servers protection status. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
54 Histogram E-mail anti-virus product component statuses distribution on hosts. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
55 Histogram EDR product component statuses distribution on hosts. Yes No DSHT_DATA entries
56 Diagram Threat detection by product component. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
57 Diagram Product component detections by curing results. Yes Yes DSHT_DATA entries
58 Diagram Top 10 most frequent events in the KSC database. No No DSHT_DATA entries
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Event type.
  • "strEvAlias" (paramString) - Event type display name.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Absolute number of specified events in the KSC database.
  • "nMax" (paramInt) - Maximum number of events supported by the KSC database.
59 Diagram Top 10 most used categories of the cloud services (enabled only for KES Cloud and Hosted mode). Yes Yes
  • 'wstrLangtag" (paramString) - Localization language tag (optional, BCP47). By default the adm server language tag is used.
DSHT_DATA entries Category identifier
  • "nId2" (paramInt) - Category identifier of the cloud services.
  • "wstrCategoryName" (paramString) - Category name of the cloud services.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to all cloud services of the category.
60 Diagram Top 10 most used cloud services of category (enabled only for KES Cloud and Hosted mode). Yes Yes
  • 'wstrLangtag" (\ref kloapi_type_paramString) - Localization language tag (optional, BCP47). By default the adm server language tag is used. - "nId2" (paramInt) - Category identifier of the cloud services.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "nId" (paramInt) - Cloud service identifier.
  • "wstrServiceName" (paramString) - Cloud service name.
  • "nRiskLevel" (paramInt) - Cloud service risk level.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to the cloud service.
61 Diagram Top 10 devices that requested the particular cloud service (enabled only for KES Cloud and Hosted mode). Yes Yes
  • "nId" (paramInt) - Cloud service identifier.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Device name that requested the cloud service.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to the cloud service.
62 Diagram Top 10 amount of requests to the cloud service from a device (enabled only for KES Cloud and Hosted mode) Yes Yes
  • 'wstrLangtag" (paramString) - Localization language tag (optional, BCP47). By default the adm server language tag is used.
DSHT_DATA entries
  • "wstrName" (paramString) - Device name that requested the cloud service.
  • "nId" (paramInt) - Cloud service identifier.
  • "wstrServiceName" (paramString) - Cloud service name.
  • "nId2" (paramInt) - Category identifier of the cloud service.
  • "wstrCategoryName" (paramString) - Category name of the cloud service.
  • "nRiskLevel" (paramInt) - Cloud service risk level.
  • "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to the cloud service.
63 Diagram Statistics of detected threats by presence of an incident card (killchain) Yes Yes Root
  • "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of detected threats with incident cards.
  • "nCountOld" (paramInt) - Number of detected threats without incident card.