Kaspersky Security Center API description
Sample. Logging KlAkParams

The Python code is presented below:

# #!/usr/bin/python -tt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module presents samples of using the KlAkOAPI package to parse, compose and output the KlAkParams object. KlAkParams corresponds to the container of parameters which is an essential part of KlAkOAPI."""

import sys
import datetime
from KlAkOAPI.Params import KlAkParams, KlAkArray, paramString, paramInt, paramBool, paramLong, paramDateTime, paramDate, paramParams, paramArray, paramFloat, paramDouble, paramBinary
from KlAkOAPI.Error import KlAkParamTypeError
def KlAkParams_Output():    
    """ This module shows how you can compose KlAkParams, parse its contents and use advantages of formatted output"""
    print (main.__doc__)
    # sample of raw data that can be received as a response to the KlAkOAPI call, for example, KlAkOAPI.ReportManager.GetStatisticsData(...)
    print('- parse data')
    data = {'KLRPT_CHART_DATA': [{'type': 'params', 'value': {'data': [20, 10, 1], 'name': '2 days ago'}}, {'type': 'params', 'value': {'data': [20, 10, 1], 'name': '1 day ago'}}], 'KLRPT_CHART_DATA_DESC': 'Amounts of vulnerability instances', 'KLRPT_CHART_SERIES': ['critical', 'high-level', 'warning-level'], 'KLRPT_CHART_STACK_SERIES': True, 'TIME_CREATED': {'type': 'datetime', 'value': '2020-04-08T12:22:35Z'}}
    print('Sample of raw data that can be received as a response to the KLOAPI call:')
    print(data, '\n')
    parsed_data = KlAkParams(data)
    print ('Same data in terms of KLOAPI data types:')
    chart_array = parsed_data['KLRPT_CHART_DATA']
    print('Extracted 0-th chart data is:\n', chart_array[0])
    time_created = parsed_data['TIME_CREATED']
    print('Chart created time (parsed_data["TIME_CREATED"]) is:\n', time_created, '\n')

    # samples of composing data for an input parameter, for the KlAkOAPI call, for example, KlAkOAPI.ReportManager.RequestStatisticsData(...)
    print('- compose data')
    # composing parameters as a dictionary
    options_products = KlAkParams({'KLRPT_PROD_NAME': '1093', 'KLRPT_PROD_NAME_LOC': 'Administration server', 'KLRPT_PROD_VER': ''})
    # other type of composing is adding values one by one. Other parameters can be added as well
    options_format = KlAkParams()
    options_format.AddInt('KLRPT_TARGET_TYPE', 0)
    options_format.AddBool('KLRPT_PDF_LANDSCAPE', True)
    options_format.AddDateTime('KLRPT_TIME_CREATED', datetime.datetime.now())
    options_format.AddParams('KLRPT_PRODUCTS', options_products)
    # output the composed data on different levels of abstraction 
    print('Sample of composed data:')
    print('Same data, raw output (the protocol level abstraction, this data is used in the POST HTTP method):')
    print(options_format.data, '\n')
    print('Same data, in terms of JSON / python data types (language-level abstraction, formatted for better readability):')
    # compose parameters with other parameters by using converters paramParams, paramInt, etc.
    options_timezone = KlAkParams({'RPT_TZ_BIAS': paramInt(-180), 'RPT_TZ_DAYLIGHT_BIAS': paramInt(-60), 'RPT_TZ_DAYLIGHT_DATE': paramParams({'RPT_STM_DAY':0, 'RPT_STM_DAYOFWEEK':0, 'RPT_STM_HOUR':0, 'RPT_STM_MILLISECOND':0, 'RPT_STM_MINUTE':0, 'RPT_STM_MONTH':0, 'RPT_STM_SECOND':0, 'RPT_STM_YEAR':0}), 'RPT_TZ_DAYLIGHT_NAME': paramString('Russia TZ 2 Daylight Time')})
    # compose an array of parameters
    array_loc_products = KlAkArray()
    array_loc_products.AddParams({'KLRPT_PROD_NAME': '1103', 'KLRPT_PROD_NAME_LOC': 'Nagent', 'KLRPT_PROD_VER': ''})
    options = KlAkParams()
    # compose an array of parameters by using KlAkParams
    options.AddArray('KLRPT_LOC_PRODUCTS_1', array_loc_products)        
    # other way of composing an array of parameters by using converters
    options.AddArray('KLRPT_LOC_PRODUCTS_2', [paramParams(options_products), paramParams({'KLRPT_PROD_NAME': '1103', 'KLRPT_PROD_NAME_LOC': 'Nagent', 'KLRPT_PROD_VER': ''})])    
    # compose a value from other parameters
    options.Add('KLRPT_LOC_PRODUCT', options_format.GetValue('KLRPT_PRODUCTS'))
    options.Add('KLRPT_TIME_CREATED', options_format.GetValue('KLRPT_TIME_CREATED'))

    # output with the composed data on different levels of abstraction 
    print('Sample of other data, in terms of KLOAPI data types (the application level abstraction, data samples in the KLOAPI documentation are as follows):')
    print('Same data, raw output (the protocol level abstraction, this data is used in the POST HTTP method):')
def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':