Kaspersky Security 9.0 for SharePoint Server includes the following components:
You can install Management Console separately from other application components. If you need to manage other components of the application, you can add computers with installed components to Management Console. If several administrators work concurrently, Management Console can be installed on each administrator's computer.
Some Kaspersky Security settings are stored in the memory of third-party software (Active Directory® and Microsoft SQL Server®). Kaspersky Security is unable to guarantee security of such data. To prevent unauthorized changes to these settings, you have to ensure their security on your own.
The figure below shows an example of application deployment within the Microsoft SharePoint Server structure.
Kaspersky Security 9.0 for SharePoint Server deployment example
About information stored in the SQL database
The application saves the following information to the SQL database:
Files associated with incidents and backup copies of documents are not encrypted. For security reasons (for example, to prevent unauthorized access or possible data leaks), you are advised to protect files in the SQL database on your own.
Information about incidents may increase the size of the database significantly. An information security specialist can archive incidents. This procedure allows minimizing the volume of data stored in the SQL database.
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