At this step of the Wizard, you can configure the control area. The application will control the uploading of files to the selected SharePoint websites. When users specified at the previous step of the Wizard upload files to the selected SharePoint websites, the application registers a policy violation.
This clears the check boxes next to subsections of websites that make part of the SharePoint structure.
The section in the bottom part of the window allows you to configure exclusions from the control area. You can create a list of web addresses to which files will be uploaded by users without being controlled by the application.
Clicking this button opens the Web address window. In this window, you can specify a web address on a SharePoint website that you need to exclude from the control area.
Clicking this button causes the application to remove the selected web address from the exclusions. After saving changes in the policy, the application will control the uploading of files by users to that web address.