Adding a category of table data

Table data describes information that is arranged in the form of tables. A common method of storing table data is a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. Lines in CSV files correspond to table rows. Table rows in CSV files are separated using a special character known as the column separator. For example, a semicolon can be used to separate columns in a CSV files.

The application uses categories of table data to search for table data on SharePoint sites. The category contains the path to a CSV file with table data that needs to be monitored to prevent potential leaks, and also data search criteria.

A CSV file can be opened in such applications as Notepad, WordPad, or Microsoft Excel®.

To add a category of table data:

  1. Open Management Console.
  2. In the tree of nodes of Management Console, select the Categories and policies node.
  3. In the workspace of the node, click the New category button and select Keywords in the list of category types that opens.

    The Category settings dialog will appear. This window lets you add table data, configure data search settings, and specify the category name.

  4. In the Path to file field, enter the full path to the location of the CSV file with table data to be added to the category.

    For the category of table data to work properly, the CSV file must be saved using UTF-8 encoding.

  5. In the Column separator dropdown list, select the symbol to be used as the column separator in the CSV file that you are uploading.

    By default, the comma is used to separate columns.

  6. Configure the match level for table data.

    The match level is the minimum number of cells with table data whose content matches data in SharePoint files. The number of cells is created based on unique crossings between columns and rows of the table.

    • In the Threshold value for lines spin box, specify the number of table rows.

      By default, the application detects files with data present in any two table rows.

    • In the Threshold value for columns spin box, specify the number of table columns.

      By default, the application detects files with data present in any two table columns.

    For more details on how to add table data categories click the Additional information about category link in the Category settings window.

  7. Specify the category name in the Name field.
  8. In the Comments field, specify additional information pertaining to data included in the category.
  9. Click the OK button.

    This opens a window showing the progress of table data being loaded into a category.

    When table data is added to a category, the first row in the CSV file is ignored (it is presumed that the first row contains table header data).

    If an error is encountered while table data is being added to a category, the application shows a notification with the number of the table row that caused the error.

    The new category is added to the list of categories in the Categories and policies node.

You can use a category to search SharePoint sites for data and monitor data leaks.

See also

Settings of a category of table data

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