The Status field displays information about the current incident status. You can change the incident status by clicking <Current status>. The dropdown list displays statuses that you can assign to an incident:
New. Assigned to an incident when one is created.
In progress. Assigned to an incident under processing.
Closed (processed). Assigned to an incident that has been already resolved.
Closed (false positive). Assigned to an incident if the policy violation was a false positive (for example, an error has been returned when configuring the policy).
Closed (not an incident). Assigned to an incident if the policy violation was admissible as an exclusion.
Closed (other). Assigned to an incident in all other cases.
In the entry field on the right, you can specify the reasons of the incident status change.
In this entry field, you can specify additional information that is related to the incident status change. These comments are displayed in the Incident details window, on the Browse tab.