Monitoring and preventing data leaks

Kaspersky Security allows you to track and prevent data leakage on SharePoint websites by means of policies.

A policy is a collection of application settings that provide protection against data leaks. The policy defines the conditions on which users can handle confidential data, as well as actions that must be taken by the application when possible data leakage is detected.

According to the policy, the application scans files uploaded to SharePoint, using the following settings:

If the conditions set for file upload to SharePoint meet the settings defined in the policy, the application registers a policy violation.

A policy violation means user actions leading to a violation of the conditions applied to the handling of confidential data on SharePoint® servers. The application views an event as a policy violation if the user specified in the policy uploads to a SharePoint website some data from a category prohibited by the policy.

You can set up actions that the application will take in case of a policy violation, in accordance with one of the following scenarios:

Policy adding scenario

Before adding a policy, we recommend that you create relevant data categories or select relevant data categories in the list of preset categories.

  1. In the list of categories and policies, select the category, which contains data that you need to protect.
  2. Create a new policy for the selected data category.

    Multiple policies can be added for a single category.

The application will track and / or prevent data leakage if the policy is active.

See also

Adding a file to exclusions by web address

New Policy Wizard

Searching for policies by users

Deleting a policy

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